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Root Canal Dentist Near Me

Many people fear that they may need root canal therapy. While it’s normal to feel anxious about an upcoming procedure, we want to ease any worries you may be feeling toward root canals. The truth is that our dentist in Grand Rapids, MI, keeps you comfortable during root canal treatment so you don’t feel any pain. Likewise, a root canal allows you to save an abscessed tooth so you can avoid extraction.

Here’s what else you should know about the root canal procedure and its many benefits.

1. Pain Relief

Root canal therapy alleviates excruciating tooth pain caused by infection or decay. By removing infected pulp, the procedure eliminates the source of the pain, promoting immediate relief.

2. Preservation of Natural Teeth

Rather than opting for tooth extraction, a root canal and crown allows you to preserve your natural tooth. This helps maintain your smile's aesthetics and functionality, preventing gaps that could lead to misalignment.

3. Prevention of Further Spread of Infection

Infected pulp can cause infections to spread to nearby teeth or even into the jawbone. Root canal therapy halts this progression by removing the infected tissue, preventing potential systemic health issues.

4. Efficient Chewing and Biting

Restoring the health of the affected tooth through root canal treatment enables efficient chewing and biting. This means you can enjoy your favorite foods without discomfort or limitations.

5. No More Sensitivity to Hot and Cold

Sensitivity to temperature variations is common with decayed or infected teeth. Root canal treatment eliminates this sensitivity, allowing you to consume hot or cold foods and beverages comfortably.

6. Prevents Jawbone Deterioration

Untreated infections can lead to jawbone deterioration. The good news is that an emergency root canal prevents this by eradicating the infection and preserving the integrity of the jawbone.

7. Cost-Effective in the Long Run

Although some may consider extraction a cheaper alternative, it can lead to additional expenses in the future, such as dental implants or porcelain bridges. Root canal therapy is cost-effective in the long term as it preserves the natural tooth structure.

8. Boosts Overall Health

Oral infections can impact overall health, potentially contributing to heart disease, diabetes, and other systemic issues. Root canal therapy helps eliminate these risks by eradicating the infection at its source.

9. Improves Oral Health

By addressing deep-seated dental issues, root canal therapy improves overall oral health. It prevents the spread of bacteria and preserves surrounding teeth from potential infection.

10. Enhances Quality of Life

Ultimately, the benefits of root canal therapy translate into an improved quality of life. With restored dental health, individuals can eat, speak, and smile confidently without the hindrance of dental discomfort.

Schedule an Emergency Appointment

Are you experiencing a dental emergency? Suspect you may need a root canal? Our emergency dentist in Grand Rapids, MI, is accepting new patients and is ready to help you explore your treatment options. To schedule an appointment, please call Renew Family Dental at (616) 245-3205. For non-emergencies, you may also fill out our online contact form and someone from our team will reach out to you soon.